The Evergreen Timeline


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I started by daydreaming about the perfect project.  Something that did something for everyone and representing something I felt good about.  I had a lot of success and discovered my signature at the Falafel Drive In.  Could I do that somewhere publicly?

The Evergreen Mural Walk is designed to narrate the story of Evergreen overtime.  I’m lived here for 30 years now.  When conceptualizing this project, I needed to be able to see that there was a steady story and a wealth of images to communicate my style.  Could I do a doodley, stimulating project with Evergreen as the theme?  Hmmm…..

Where do we start?

First, I started picking up images and laying them out.  But for my brainstorming, I like to work with paper.  Something I can visualize and move before considering how to create continuity between them.  Anyone who’s received a letter from me knows the paper counts.  So, I rolled out the robin’s paper and got taping.

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Then, I got drawing.  This is what I came up this.  It’s bold and colorful, like our people.  It’s got black and white and sepia elements to honor our past.  A ton of brilliant points in Evergreen History, but do these time periods belong commingled or am I looking at something that needs to be linear?  Also, did any of these things deserve emphasis over the other?  I don’t think so.

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So, using my physical timeline, I researched more totally into the Evergreen area.  Turns out, Evergreen was always changing throughout time.  It was exciting to note because suddenly, I was conceptualizing a much larger project.  Not one mural, but a series of murals.Evergreen historical timeline copy


All of the artwork can lucky come from within the research.  It’s amazing!  There’s so much here from the Village and community of Evergreen.  There will be no artistic caterwauling or psychedelic influences here.  It needs so supplementation or filler.  If it does need filling, we’re going to use fruit and canning imagery.  The Evergreen community has cradled heroic, amazing stories.  I can’t wait to paint them for you.  The more I discover about my neighborhood, the more inspired I am.



The overall vision is to communicate the ever-changing facade of Evergreen and to show off its strengths while bringing everyone together.  With 40 distinct murals, I can convey every 10 years with a redundant rolling hill theme.  Creating a little pride and generating a little tourism is going to help Evergreen sparkle.

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