Winnifred Coe Verbica was an inspiring Evergreen woman, but she’s also apart of Evergreen’s literary tradition. Here’s a poem her son Peter shared with me.
Trumpet Call!
When He calls me home,
My God and King,
May my heart be shown
What joy shall ring!
All the angels there
In Heaven’s world
See the answered prayer
Of sinners hurled.
Nothing here on earth
On land or sea
Measure Heaven’s worth,
Or what it will be.
None of us can know
When time shall cease.
God alone can show
It’s great increase.
Yet I’ll trust and wait
With eager heart
Standing at the gate
His trumpet shall start
Treasuring the time
Until he calls:
Wonderment sublime
In Heaven’s halls.
There with saints of old
I’ll kneel and pray…
There my Lord behold:
Triumphant day!
C 1995 Winnifred Coe Verbica
“My mother passed away in 2013 on Easter – what a great poem to remind us all of the brevity of life and the legacy we leave behind.”
-Peter Coe Verbica